Monday, February 14, 2011

All New Iphone Nano

Is is possible that Apple is currently developing a smaller, more affordable version of their extremely popular product, the Iphone?

According to numerous media outlets, Apple has been in development of this new phone for a while but are having trouble balancing the features and the desired low cost of the phone.

It is rumored that the phone will be roughly half the size of the current iphone and will focus on internet usage and cloud storage. Cult of Mac later repeated the rumor about a focus on cloud storage. 
So what is your verdict? if the Iphone Nano does exist will you consider purchasing it with the lower price tag?


  1. I find it doubtful. When ever a new generation of the iphone comes out, you can purchase the laster generation for $99. Thats a steal for the full fledge version of the phone.

  2. I would love a smaller version of the iPhone. My current iPhone takes up a lot of room in my work pants.

  3. I have an 8g 2nd gen iPod touch i bought for $250 several years ago, and I admit, I like it quite a bit. And the iPhone is really cool. However, it's much too expensive for me. =/
    Maybe in the future, I'll have one. Kind of doubt it though lol.

  4. I doubt it. I already find my current iPhone a bit small sometimes.

  5. This is just yet ANOTHER marketing scheme for Apple to suck more money for the publics addiction to technology.

  6. Thats totally awesome, here's another picture:

  7. I'm planning on buying an iphone 4 before it updates because I need it and I really don't care if the next one will be better. Also, I always hated smaller versions of a phone (example: xperia) so I'd never buy something so small personally...
    Also lmao at your comment about britney.
